Development of AI at HF & VUC Copenhagen South
Development of AI at HF & VUC Copenhagen South
In the spring of 2023, an expert group was established by the Ministry of Education on the use of AI in schools. HF & VUC Copenhagen South aligns with the recommendations on how the use of ChatGPT and other digital AI generative learning tools can be managed to promote learning. The technology is present in the daily lives of students and course participants.
The goal is for them to learn to use the technology reflectively and understand it alongside other available tools during their education. The essential point is that in exams where digital learning tools are used, teachers and leaders should not engage in discussions about whether it is the students’ own productions or if it is associated with cheating. This damages the trust and relationship between teachers and students.
At HF & VUC Copenhagen South, an AI team has been formed with HF teachers to work on the use of AI in teaching, in line with the expert group’s recommendations for the use of Generative AI in education.
HF & VUC Copenhagen South aims to be a leading school in Denmark when it comes to the use of AI in teaching.
Our vision is that through wise and relevant integration of AI in teaching, we can help our students achieve their dreams, reduce educational inequality, and enhance academic proficiency and learning for our students.
Our goal is to best prepare our students for the next step in their education by qualitatively using AI as an active part of academic learning and development.
Capacity-wise, HF & VUC Copenhagen South, through teamwork, should be at the forefront of AI development and its possibilities.
The driving force is the employees’ competencies, for without developing the employees’ competencies to generate new ideas and implement them, the work of implementing generative AI in teaching will not be successful.
Competencies are the prerequisite for innovative development. The establishment of the team should contribute to a strengthened competency match, where employees through peer training are more assured access to the right competencies to use AI in either teaching or other job functions.
First steps:
- All teachers in the working group must develop a course or a series of interconnected exercises that incorporate AI in teaching, tailored to their subject or work area. These are referred to as learning designs. These should serve as a material bank and benchmark for the rest of their subject group.
- All teachers in the working group must complete learning designs that incorporate AI in their teachings.
- All teachers in the working group evaluate on their learning designs.
- The working group plans, holds, and evaluates 1-3 staff days, which through workshops and presentations aim to pass on AI competencies to the teaching staff. Product requirements!
The primary tasks of the AI team are:
- To serve an advisory function for other employees – once competence and knowledge are built up in the team.
- To help ensure that HF & VUC Copenhagen South develops strategies for competency development as part of the growth plan.
- To ensure the collection and processing of knowledge about future competency needs within digital development.
- To help initiate the necessary initiatives to meet the labor market’s demand for qualifications, including advising stakeholders on activities.
- To help arrange theme days and course activities on relevant topics internally and externally.